Well all the desperate pleas for help to figure out how to handle a major creek crossing and also my shoe dliemma apparently were for no reason! We received an email listing pertinent information regarding the
Blues Cruise 50K. The email was sent to everyone registered however I feel like it was almost written personally for me ;-p It said that there will be NO CREEK CROSSING and also there was a section about shoes. It said that it is not very technical of a course so we should feel comfortable wearing whatever shoes we want, any shoe even road ones will be fine. Of course I received this email after carefully contemplating what I was going to do and already making up my mind. So while that basically solved my problem of course
Emir had to bring up issues with my decisions. Once I found out about the elimination of the creek crossing and that any shoe should be fine, I had decided to wear my old Virattas that are ready for retirement. I figured one last good outing to send them out on a high note and if they get torn up on the trail, no big deal. However, now my wonderful husband has pointed out to me that they already have some tears in the top layer and if they start to come apart in the middle of the race it could become a real problem. I do have a brand new pair of Virattas with only a few miles on them but I am NOT risking any damage to them since I definitely want them for
NYCM and
Philly marathon. So I'm back to going to with my Mizuno waveriders. They are getting ready for retirement but they are in good shape and a nice sturdy shoe that can handle a trail. So that's the end of that saga for now....
So we are down to 1 week until race day! I'm getting pretty excited even though the Blues Cruise 50K isn't really our #1 priority this fall. I LOVE getting out on really long runs especially races. The whole atmosphere is just so much fun and also at this point, it's a day where Emir and I get to spend time alone together (well if you don't count the hundreds or thousands of other runners). Let's call it adult time ;-) Anyway unlike long training runs, we get to run together, encourage each other and just spend quality time together. It's hard to put it all into words, bottom line is, no matter what, it will be a great day and we will spend the whole day together without interuption :-)
Us in the BOB post family 10miler |
Like I said last post, lately runs have been going well. Last Sunday for my 20 miler, I kinda mixed together a few different routes and meshed them to make 20. It was fun and I was able to make one big loop leaving and returning to my house. The first 13-14 miles consisted of a lot of flat but some rolling hills. My last 6-7 miles were all very challenging hills. By the time I was done, my legs were sore and I was tired but it still felt good. My 10 mile mid week run I incorporated alot of hillwork as well so I was feeling a bit sore Thursday. So I decided since I worked my legs so hard and since the email from the Blues Cruise race director was talking about our taper, that it probably would be to my benefit to run a more flat 20 miler and 10 miler the weekend before the 50K race. My 20 miler went ok. My legs were having aches and pains in a lot of places. When I got home Emir said "you wore your old Virattas?! how many miles do you have on those??" I said well now only 430 He said "well of course you are sore, those are only made for 250, maybe 300" Now I know they always say that about shoes but I'm never completely convinced. However Sunday we went out together for 10 miles with both kids in the double BOB. I wore my mizuno waveriders which also have about 400 miles on them and my legs felt really good even when pushing 60lbs of kids in the stroller. So I guess he has a point. Some shoes really can't be worn after a certain point, maybe I should have retired them when the sides started busting open, hmmmm. I just have a hard time retiring some of my shoes!!! Especially this particular pair since they were the ones I wore when I PR'd in the marathon and growing up in my dad's baseballcentric universe, I can be a bit superstitious. And side note, this coming Saturday my dad will be taking batting practice at Citizen's Bank Park! I am SO EXCITED! What a great weekend, watching my dad live out one of his dreams and a 50K! :-))))
So with less than a week to go to the 50K, I'm thinking I will rest a bit this week and do 3-5mile runs instead of 5-10-5. I'm hoping my legs will thank me on Sunday!!
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