Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ocean Drive -- can't PR 'em all

Emir always says it's way easier to write a post when things don't go the way you planned.  He also says people enjoy reading about a struggle and a race where things didn't go your way.  Let's see if he's right.

If you know me or follow my blog or my social media, you know that I did BQ at the Philly Marathon in November.  However you also know it was by a mere 17 seconds which the last few years has not been enough to actually get accepted into Boston which now being in this situation I'm finding to be the most annoying thing in the world!  I freakin worked my ass off and qualified so I should get to run!  Anyway that's not the way it works so I had set aside this training cycle to work on my speed for the Ocean Drive Marathon.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

GIVEAWAY!!! Two Entries: Philly BOMF 5 Miler

Once again our good friend Rebecca Schaefer has asked if I would host a giveaway for the Philly Back on My Feet 5 miler.  Of course I said yes right away.  Even though I do not really have the chance to be a part of the organizations runs due to time constraints and the fact that the runs are in the city, I think it's an outstanding program.  And also, who doesn't love giving away free entries to a race?!?

Friday, March 6, 2015

I have a confession: I love my treadmill

Yes, I said it.  And Yes, I meant it.
I usually have company when I'm down on the TM
This winter probably like most winters there's a lot of chatter on the usual social media networks about the winter weather and the dreadmill.  There's the usual complaining about the bone-chilling temps and slippery conditions.  Of course there are those "badasses" boasting their sub-zero runs with icicles off of every body part or those running through 12 feet of snow.  There are also lots of conversation going back/forth about whether to run outside or stick to the TM.  On more than one occasion I've witness a lot of negativity towards those who tend to stick to the TM during these tough winter conditions.  It's led to many runners (myself included) constantly feeling like they have to defend themselves about why they ran on the TM instead of outside. Luckily I have not had to deal with any of this personally as my running friends are supportive no matter what, but in general it makes me annoyed to read these conversations.