
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 2-Christmas

So I left off last time when I had just started running.  eventually I made it up to a 5 K.  I wasn't breaking any speed records but I could finish 3.1 miles, which was huge for me.  I did a couple local 5K races and it was fun.  I happened to see ads for the Philly Marathon.  There was the half marathon and full marathon.  Clearly I was in no shape for a half or full marathon plus in my head anyone who ran over a few miles was insane.  What was wrong with those people?!?!  I had heard about toenails falling off, peeing/pooping pants, tearing ligaments, stress fractures, why would anyone do that to themselves???  Anyway I saw they had an 8K that weekend which I eventually figured out was 4.98 miles.  So I signed up.  I'm not sure if I actually ran 5 miles before the day of the race or not, if I did it was only once or twice.  Anyway I did better than I thought I would although I thought I might die after.  I was really proud of myself and being down in the city in that atmosphere changed something in me.  I wanted more, I wanted to run further, do more races and do bigger races.  However there was one problem.  During those 4-5 months I had started running leading up to the 8K, I was developing a serious shin splint on my left leg.  It was bad, my husband couldn't even lightly touch my shin without me jumping.  I'm sure it was a stress fracture.  Being a physical therapist I of course know the treatment for a stress fracture.  So I made a deal with myself to not run until Jan 1st 2011 which was about 6 or so weeks from when I ran the 8K.  I made myself a rehab program for my shin and stuck to it.  During my rehab I had been playing around on google looking up races.  I knew that summer I would be going to Bosnia and Croatia to visit my husband's family and I thought it would be really cool to find a race to do while I was there. There wasn't a whole lot of races going on but one popped up that caught my interest it was called The Plitvice Marathon in Croatia.  I knew exactly where this was in a beautiful national park that I had visited many times when over there.  They were advertising a 10 miler and marathon that apparently they had been having for 25 years, who knew?!?!  I thought back to the expo for the philly marathon and the whole setup, environment that weekend for the races and just decided, I'm going to run this marathon.  At first I was even afraid to tell my husband because I know it was kind of ridiculous.  A girl who hated running and literally never ran a mile until about 5 months prior to this and currently was not running due to shin splint/stress fracture.....

My new Nike+ watch from Santa!
16 miles in the snow storm, DONE!
So this was week 2 of 50K training and as it happens it was Christmas!!!  As you will learn, I am someone who takes my training schedule seriously.  I am very flexible regarding which days I run however I must unless something tragic/drastic occurs that weeks get in all my runs.  So this week was challenging due to the holidays.  If it was only that it was a holiday week, no problem but working in a hospital means there are no days off.  I had to work Sunday (dec 23rd), Monday Christmas Eve, had off Christmas and then worked the 26th and 27th.  I was able to get my run in on Sunday no problem after work as it was only a 5miler but Monday and Tuesday were definite no go's.  Way too much going on in those two days including Christmas brunch at my house.  So Wed after work I did 7 miles on the treadmill, I got up at 5 AM Thursday to do 5 miles on the treadmill since I was going out after work with my co-workers followed by my Croatian class at 830 that night then I did 7 miles Friday around 5:30 in the dark.  I love running at night with my headlamp especially right now with all the Christmas lights out, really awesome!  Then came yesterday morning (Saturday).  So they were forecasting snow but around 10ish when I was getting ready to go out it was only a flurry or two so no big deal.  Secretly I was a little disappointed that it wasn't more when I was getting ready.  I love getting out there and tackling all different elements, I mean why do I have all the gear if I'm never going to use it??  Anyway I dressed accordingly in case it did snow while I was running.  I also got to use my hydration pack for the first time (thanks Santa!) oh and I forgot to mention my new Nike+ GPS watch from Santa!!!  Also my husband purchased Tailwind Nutrition which is a powder we mixed into the water in my hydration pack.  I still brought gels just in case however 16 miles and I didn't need a single gel!  it was awesome and taste wasn't bad either.  So anyway about 2 miles in it started snowing.  For about another mile it was light and then BAM it started snowing pretty heavy.  At this point I had made it to the trail so it was ok that visibility wasn't the best.  By the time I turned around at 8 miles to head back there was a good 1.5-2inches covering the trail.  The second half was seriously challenging trudging through the snow and then when I made it back to the road, it was very slick with slush.  By the time I got home, I was covered with snow and soaked to the bone but I had a blast running in the storm.  It was so pretty and peaceful.  I'm pretty sore today from the 16 miler in the snow but it was a great workout and definitely hope for another snow run this winter!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

50K Training starts....NOW!!!

So I've decided I will write bits and pieces of my running history each time I write a new post until I reach present time. 

In September of 2010, my son had just turn 1 at the end of August and I had finally weaned him from breastfeeding.  I was looking at some pics from his first bday party and was disgusted.  I looked huge!  I also had noticed the scale had been indicating the same thing lately.  I had been walking a few days a week on the trail near my house with my son in the stroller but that's about it.  My husband off and on pretty much since I had my son was bugging me to try running a bit.  During my pregnancy he had started running a bit and did a couple 5K races.  I had always been a swimmer through my whole life.  The only time I would run was during the softball season and I had a hell of a time just making the 60 feet from base to base.  I absolutely hated running with a passion.  I just felt like I couldn't do it.  I also do have asthma and when I was younger it was much worse than now which probably contributed to these feelings.  Seeing how I looked and felt I finally gave in and said "Fine, I'll try but you'll see I can't!"  That week I probably ran a total of 10 minutes over 3 or 4 days but I did run.  It was hard and I didn't really like it.  Somehow my husband convinced me to keep trying so I did.

Today Emir and I are starting our 50K training program.  We are attempting to run our first 50K in May at the North Face endurance Challenge in Bear Mountain, NY.  I'm pretty excited about it.  I feel like more and more people are running marathons but far less take that plunge into the ultramarathoning world.  I'm excited to be among those few that do this distance.  So anyway I started things off with a 7 miler today.  I had off from work today so the kids were home with me.  Weather was too crappy to take the kids outside (not to mention I still haven't bought the double running stroller yet).  So treadmill it was!!  Niko who is now 3 has gotten used to mommy and daddy going for runs.  He gets excited for us to go running and will cheer us on, it's really cute.  He's really good while we are running and will watch his tv shows, play with his toys, do whatever.  It's really nice.  And Una who is 7 months old can't get into anything yet.  It's easy to bring her down the basement and plop her in her swing, bouncy seat whatever and she's happy as a clam.  She really is a great baby!  I've gotten really good at Niko handing me things to open/close or toys to fix while running and handing them back to him without dropping anything.  Nothing too eventful on today's run.  Felt pretty good.  I did my final shoe testing run in the Saucony Viratta's (I'm shoe testing for Fitness magazine).  They are there new zero drop shoe.  I actually like them alot.  So far all my runs in them have been really fast.  The shoes themselves are super light.  I also have a pair of Saucony's Kinvara 3 and I think the Virattas are definitely a better shoe. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hi Everyone or No one!

Well I don't know if anyone will ever read my blog but my husband encouraged me to start one about running and life.  The other day we were doing our usual recap of the run I just got back from and of course I had something embarassing happen to me AGAIN ( I will discuss this later).  Of course Emir was practically rolling on the floor laughing at me AGAIN.  And I proceeded to just blurt out "I wish I had a blog to write about all the stupid things that happen to me and that I do when out running"  And Emir said "I'm going to make one for you"  Also there is another reason why blogging might be a good habit for me to start but that's top secret for now ;-)

 If anything it will be good for me to be able to look back and read what adventures I've had in life and remember things that happened with me, the kids, Emir.  And when they are old enough the kids can read this and laugh at how ridiculous their mother is ;-)  If by chance you do decide to read my blogs, I hope you enjoy them and know that I never take myself seriously and I am ALWAYS laughing with you!